Check the list of free ransomware decryptors

We’ve gotten so caught up discussing ransomware prevention with our clients that we’ve neglected to mention that several strains have already been defeated. In fact, there’s a decent chance you can actually decrypt all your data for free. Make sure to check these free resources before responding to a cyberattacker’s demands.

Virtualization myths and why you shouldn’t believe them

The intricacies of business technology are not the easiest to understand. Complicated explanations usually lead to misunderstandings, and this is especially true for virtualization. Here are four myths you may have heard about virtualization that you shouldn’t take as facts.

Why you should use your Mac’s Time Machine

Your Mac’s Time Machine should be your primary backup system. Not only does it let you restore your Mac to a happy working state after a crash, but it also lets you recover individual files or folders you may have accidentally erased. Additionally, as its name suggests, you can see what files looked like an hour ago or anytime in the recent past.

3 Easy ways to protect your business data

Most business owners are too busy running their respective offices to be concerned about optimized security settings and other technical matters. To spare them the agony of deciphering IT jargon, here are three easy ways to prevent data theft. 

Cover your webcam

If Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, former FBI Director James Comey, and National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden all believe their webcams could be compromised, there’s no reason you should feel safe.

Change old modes of thinking when migrating to the cloud

Not every business owner who migrates to the cloud achieves great results. As much as the service is touted with words like “freedom,” “productivity,” and “collaboration,” realizing the full benefits of the cloud is not a given. So if you’re thinking about transitioning to the cloud, how can you ensure you optimize the technology for your business? Well, it all starts with your attitude before migration. Here are some mental shifts you should make before getting started.

Mobile phone biometrics enhances security

Constantly using passwords on a smartphone can be a pain, not to mention a high security risk. Luckily, popular mobile browsers like Chrome and Firefox Lite are now supporting biometrics for authentication to make logging in to social media, email, and online shopping accounts easier and more secure.