Declare Freedom From Expensive Software,
Hardware And
Network Upgrades
Office 365 and Google Apps are two perfect mainstream examples of the cloud computing trend for small businesses; for an inexpensive monthly fee, you can get full access to and use of Office applications that used to cost a few hundred dollars to purchase. And, since these apps are being powered by the cloud provider, you don’t need an expensive desktop with lots of power to use them – just a simple Internet connection will do on a laptop, desktop or tablet.
What Is “Cloud Computing”?
Cloud computing, or “going to the cloud,” is very similar to the concept of paying for electricity as a utility rather than purchasing and running your own generator to power your home or office. Public utilities shoulder the burden of generating and delivering electricity and can provide a cheap, reliable, “pay as you go” service to anyone wanting water or power. Similarly, with cloud computing, the cost of hosting, securing and delivering network services (like Office) is owned by the utility company (in this case, Microsoft).Is This A Smart Move?
The simple fact is, cloud computing is NOT a good fit for every company, and if you don’t get all the facts or fully understand the pros and cons, you can end up making some VERY poor and expensive decisions that you’ll deeply regret later. You need to consider the reliability of your Internet connection, what type of help-desk support you want, security, what other applications (accounting, CRM, line-of-business applications, etc.) you need and which devices (scanners, printers, iPads) you need to use.Free “Cloud Readiness” Consultation
Will Give
You The Facts
If you want to know if cloud computing is right for you, call us for a free, no-pressure, no-obligation cloud readiness assessment. We’ll evaluate your current situation and provide insights and options for moving to the cloud. We’ll also answer any questions you have and tell you the unvarnished pros and cons of choosing this option.
Plus, if you call us during the month of July to schedule this assessment, we’ll send you a FREE copy of the national best-selling book The Big Switch by Nicholas Carr. This book talks about the massive technological revolution that is happening right now and what it means to businesses like yours.
Want To Know If Cloud Computing
Is Right For You?
Our Free Assessment Will Give You
The Answers You’re Looking For.
To Schedule Your Free Cloud Readiness Assessment,
Simply Give Us A Call at (905) 458-5090
Schedule Your Free
Cloud Readiness Assessment
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Having someone call us to tell us about problems before they happen is fantastic! Your team was very responsive in solving our email problem that has been lingering for years. Thanks for looking after us!
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Time is taken to truly understand what is needed and to offer solutions that are appropriate
Leona Wilson, Armillary Business Group Corp