
Firefox features you should start using

Whether you’re using Mozilla Firefox for personal internet browsing or work, this powerful browser has features that can improve your experience. Make sure you’re making the most of these features in particular.
Customizable Firefox toolbar
Choose which tools you want to see on your Firefox toolbar and maybe even discover new ones you haven’t heard of.

Boost your marketing campaigns with video content

Creating trending videos on social media is one of the best ways to catch people’s attention and market your brand. These are the seven types of video content you can use to bolster your marketing campaigns.
Business introduction or behind-the-scenes
If your company lacks an online presence, one of the best things you can do is give customers direct access to your staff and your product.

Affordable ways to safeguard your Android device

While Android devices are prone to hundreds of different cybersecurity threats, protecting your Android device doesn’t have to cost you a fortune. If you don’t want to spend a great deal of money on security, this guide will help you safeguard your Android phone or tablet without breaking the bank.

What you need to know about VoIP Quality of Service

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) has become a popular communications solution for small- and medium-sized businesses. There are so many providers and services to choose from, but how do you pick the right one? One crucial factor you should look into is a vendor’s Quality of Service (QoS).
What is QoS?
VoIP providers and IT experts define QoS as the overall performance of a VoIP system or network.