Hackers are always looking for new ways to gain access to people’s personal information. This is why it’s crucial to take steps to safeguard your social media accounts. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the best ways to protect your online privacy while using Facebook and Twitter.
Strengthen your Facebook and Twitter privacy with these tips
Organize Android apps by creating folders
When you download apps, your Android device usually stores them on the home screen. As you download more apps over time, your home screen might become cluttered, making it difficult for you to find the app you want to use. Fortunately, you can quickly and easily fix this problem by organizing your apps in folders.
How to remove adware apps from your Android device
Are you constantly seeing unwanted ads on your Android device? Does it freeze up or crash for no apparent reason? Chances are, it’s infected with adware. Aside from being a nuisance, adware can also install malicious scripts designed to steal a user’s private information.
Here’s how to turn off location services in Android
When using an Android smartphone for the first time, users receive a prompt from apps like Google to enable location services. Users may decide to accept it because it’s convenient because that means there's no need to enable it every time you use an app.
Read this before upgrading to Windows 11
Windows 11 is out. And with its sleek design and new features, it’s no wonder that so many people are considering upgrading. But should you switch to the newest Microsoft operating system (OS)? Here are some reasons why you may want to wait.
1. Your computer doesn't meet Windows 11 minimum system requirements
One of the main reasons that can keep you from upgrading to Windows 11 is that your computer might not be able to run it.
Bolster your mobile security with MTD
Malware attacks are continuously on the rise. In 2019, cybersecurity experts calculated that one organization succumbed to a malware attack every 14 seconds. In 2021, that figure rose to one malware victim per 11 seconds. For this reason, businesses must implement a mobile-first security strategy.
Easy steps to reduce data usage on your Android device
If you don’t have an unlimited data plan for your Android device, uncontrolled downloading can result in slower connections, poor battery life, and high overage charges. But do you know that you can reduce your data consumption without affecting your mobile experience? Follow these handy tips.
Why you should sync your Android device with Google Chrome
Among Google Chrome’s many productivity-enhancing features, the ability to sync across devices is one of the most helpful. This feature allows users to access their Google accounts and all related apps and data from anywhere, at any time, enabling them to work efficiently and conveniently.
Are your company mobile devices protected?
Mobile devices are indispensable. Smartphones, tablets, and other mobile gadgets play a big part in everyday processes, especially for individuals and companies that value connection and convenience. But as the number of mobile devices used in business operations increases, so do the cyberthreats that target them.
What Android accessories should you have?
Many Android phone and tablet models provide great features and functionality out of the box. However, your Android device can offer so much more value when you customize it with accessories and peripheral devices. Here are some must-have accessories you should invest in for your Android devices.